Baby Moves

Baby Moves


037-Les Beaux Arts

Ages 2 - 5 yrs


In this art class, your child will explore the world of shape, color, and texture, as well as become familiar with different art tools. A different artist will be introduced every other week and children will learn about their life and their works of art. Children will be encouraged to explore the artist's style by making their own versions of the artist's work.


We will be sending specific instructions on how to create the optimal environment for learning online via email which will include instructions for parental/caregiver involvement. Projects will consist of mainly recycled materials that can be found around the house. Please make sure you have construction paper, copy paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, tempura paint, watercolors, newspapers, cardboard, egg cartons, cardboard tubes, tissue paper, tape, child safe scissors, glue, etc.


Perry School
136 W 10th St
New York, NY 10014

• Check-in and out at the front desk when attending our programs including Perry School, Baby Moves, NYC Kids Camps, Broadway Kids Camps and Birthday Parties or Special Events.
• For easy stroller access, please park strollers neatly outside the school on West 10th Street.  You may also fold strollers completely and store them in our stroller storage space just inside the entry way.  Please remove personal items from the strollers when leaving them outside.
• Ring the buzzer and our staff will come and let you into the facility.

037-Les Beaux Arts

2 - 5 yrs

Booking Options

Thursdays, 1:15pm - 2:00pm EST

Jan 24, 2019 - Jun 6, 2019

• Thu, 1:15pm - 2:00pm (January 24 - June 6)

• (closed: 2/21, 4/25)