Backstory Theatre

Backstory Theatre

Performer Training (Invite Only) (Child Membership)


Much like an athlete trains between games, a performer should practice their skills and learn new ones between productions. BackStory Theatre is excited to announce our brand-new Performer Training. Different from other BackStory programs, Performer Training will focus on developing the performance skills of the participants. The program will begin late August with the fall musical and conclude in late April with the spring production. When performers are not working on a production, they will meet once a week for special training sessions. Please see schedule and commitment details below.

The cost of fall and spring show participation, along with continuing mid-season advanced instruction sessions, is wrapped into the total program cost. Additional production fees, such as cast t-shirts, scripts, and optional fees such as volunteer opt-out, will be due separately in addition to the base membership cost.

Advanced Training sessions will explore topics such as:
Script analysis
Character movement
Character voices
Character makeup
Tech for performers
Music sight reading
Stage combat
And much more!

13 years old by November 25th, 2023 (or special permission from instructor if underage)
Previous participation in a theatre production or class
For more information on eligibility, or to apply for the program, email

1. Fall production participation (as offered by production team)
2. 14 "Training session" advanced classes* (up to 3 absences are okay)
3. Spring production participation **
(according to scheduling conflicts - cast role, creative team role, or crew role will be assessed with instructors individually for each student)
4. Positive, growth-minded outlook and enthusiasm for the program!

August 29 to November 19th Fall Musical Production Schedule

November 29th to February 28th Wednesdays 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Training Sessions*

March 20th to May 1st Mondays AND Wednesdays 7:00 to 8:30 pm Spring Production**
NOTES on Spring Production -- anticipate Spring production date scheduled May 4th, final confirmation with team in late fall 2023 once we know more about school performance schedules for spring. 3/27 and 4/3 rehearsals may be conducted by zoom and students will not need to attend during their school's spring break week.

  • Fall Musical - 1 per year
  • Child Membership
  • Eight (8) month term, non-renewing
Locations (9)
Eligible Activites (23)
Cancellation and Refund Policy

Performer Training (Invite Only)

Payment Options

Eight (8) month term
Does not auto-renew

Pay in Full


Monthly Pricing


Select Payment Type