Clubhouse Exchange

Clubhouse Exchange


Second Time Moms (Mommy & Me Class)



The happiness and love that you felt with the birth of your first child was beyond anything you could have imagined, and now the anticipation grows as you prepare for your second child. You’ve got pregnancy and childbirth down, but what about preparing your older child and helping them understand the changes that are about to take place? Tips and techniques for making the adjustment from one to two will be covered, along with things to do before the baby comes and suggestions for learning to manage your own expectations with the arrival of the new baby.

Synthia Praglin, M.A., J.D., CPE, CIMI, holds a Master’s Degree in
Psychology with an emphasis in Child Development. She is a Certified
Parent Educator, Certified Infant Massage Instructor and is currently
working towards a Certification in Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic
Psychotherapy. Synthia has led parenting groups for over 15 years,
working from an attachment based model emphasizing the importance
of nurturing the connection between parent and child to form secure
and trusting relationships. Synthia strongly believes there is no “right”
way and strives to empower parents to find the best fit for their family.
Her goal is to provide tools for your parenting “tool box”, while helping
you develop confidence in your parenting skills and choices.


Clubhouse Exchange
10590 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064


Second Time Moms (Mommy & Me Class)


Booking Options

Thursdays, 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT

Aug 9, 2018 - Sep 27, 2018

• Thu, 12:00pm - 1:30pm (August 9 - September 27)