Galli Theater

Galli Theater


Acting workshop at Galli Theater in German

Theater Workshop Yom Kippur - September 19th, 2018

4 - 10 yrs


Liebe Eltern, wir freuen uns, Ihnen ankündigen zu dürfen, dass wir einen deutschsprachigen Theaterkurs anbieten. Der Kurs ermöglicht es Ihren Kindern, auf spielerische Art und Weise Märchen und Geschichten zu erleben, und sie in Ihren Alltag zu integrieren. Bitte packen Sie Wasser, und einen Snack (Nut free) für ihre Kinder.  Dear parents, We are very excited to announce that we will be offering a theater workshop. Please pack your child a nut free snack, lunch and water. The theater class allows your children to act out fairytales and other stories in a playful way and integrate them into their daily life.Workshop Hours: 9am - 3pm Contact: Barbara Remus Note: We need a minimum of 6 children for the workshop to take place.


• • Cancellation/Refund Policy: If you cancel your registration after it has been processed, but at least four weeks before the camp begins, we will refund the full tuition less a $50 registration fee per class. If you cancel your registration within four weeks before the camp begins, a 50% refund (minus the $50 processing fee) will be given.  Absolutely no refund or credit will be given if you cancel your registration within two weeks before the camp begins.
• • • • Cancellation by Galli’s Fairytale Theater: We reserve the right to cancel a workshop if enrollment is insufficient. Any tuition paid will be refunded in full.
• • • • Returned Checks: A $20 service charge will be attached to any check returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.
• • • • Photography: Galli’s Fairytale Theater reserves the right to use photos and videos taken during classes for promotional materials only.


Galli Theater at GSM
74 Warren St
New York, NY 10007


Acting workshop at Galli Theater in German

Theater Workshop Yom Kippur - September 19th, 2018

4 - 10 yrs

Booking Options

9:00am - 3:00pm EDT

Sep 19, 2018