Is your little one a shaker and a mover? A singer and dancer? A HAM?!! Then this is the class for them! In this class your child will get a little taste of everything dance and theatre. Children will be introduced to it all from ballet to break dancing, Singing to acting and improvisation.
We, at I Can Do That, believe in the arts as a way to give kids the ability to express themselves, work on listening and following directions and explore their imaginations in all things artistic. This is the perfect launching pad to fuel their curiosity in the arts. An emphasis will be placed on body awareness, confidence building, self-expression and learning the fundamentals of dance and theater in a warm, fun, and exploratory environment. For the budding Michael Jackson and the bath time Elsa and as well.
Town and Village Synagogue
334 E 14th St
New York, NY 10003
• This is a Drop off! • Lunch is not included. Kids will bring their own lunch. • Please add to your contacts to make sure we are connected and you receive your welcome emails. • Any questions please reach out. •
• Enter through the front door, walk down the outside corridor and we are the first door on your left.