Ilana Visotsky Art Studio

Ilana Visotsky Art Studio

Starting at $420

Magical Fairy Party

The kids will be welcomed with a birthday mural to color, and will create birthday cards.

Each participant will get a magic wand to color and decorate with gems, glitter and ribbons.

After the magic wands they will get messy making special fairy potions. The potions will be named and sealed in glass bottles to take home.

After everyone will finish working on their artworks, we quickly clean up and set the tables for snacks/ food and cake.

We provide all art supply, decorations, paper goods and water bottles.

The birthday family can bring food, cake, and snacks.

  • Headcount:10 (Can request additional headcount)

  • Duration:2 hours (Can request additional time)

Locations (1)
  • Ilana Visotsky Art Studio, 525 Milltown Rd, Suite 101, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902
Add Ons
  • Free personalized party invitation +$0.01
  • Tote bag for participants $4 each bag +$40
  • Extra participant +$18
  • Extra tote bag +$4

A $150 deposit will be charged at the time of booking to reserve the date of the event. The rest of the payment will be collected on the day of the event.

Cancellations made 14 days or more in advance of the event date, will receive a 100% refund of the deposit. Cancellations made within 7 days of the event date, will forfeit the deposit.

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