


WaldKinder: Earthworks Workshop - Land Art at Prospect Park

SummerCamp Week 9

3 - 8 yrs


We will end the summercamp by getting creative with nature's goods and materials. Crafting, painting and creating art with sticks and stones and beautiful gifts from Prospect Park, the children will embrace their fine and gross motor skills by crafting and developing nature art. We will create projects such as nature mandalas and nature weaving craft. The children will get an awareness of the environment and treasured landscapes.


Please pack a small backpack with the following items only:

▪	a sun hat
▪	sunscreen and bug spray (we will reapply throughout the day)
▪	change of clothes (esp. underwear and t-shirt in case of a spontaneous sprinkler party)
▪	a full water bottle
▪	easy to eat snack and picnic lunch (and an additional snack for AfterCare if your child stays until 6pm)
Please apply plenty of sunscreen and mosquito repellent before you head to the park.

Please do not let your child come to camp with open-toe shoes like sandals and flip flops. We will walk and climb in a natural environment and children need good footwear to avoid injuries. 
Closed and comfortable water shoes are perfect for our adventures!


(3) Ladybug / Owl location
466 6th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11215


WaldKinder: Earthworks Workshop - Land Art at Prospect Park

SummerCamp Week 9

3 - 8 yrs

Booking Options

8:30am - 3:15pm EDT

Aug 26, 2019 - Aug 30, 2019

• Payment plans available at checkout

• 5% sibling discount available at checkout

• Camp Runs: 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29, 8/30