Little Art House

Little Art House

Starting at $250

Birthday, 5yrs.+ @ The Getalong

Getalong's Fee: $150 for 3 hour space rental, 30 minute setup and cleanup and two hours for the party. The Getalong must be confirmed prior to booking Little Art House. When submitting the form here, please note the TIMES OF THE PARTY rather than the rental (as that's when our services would begin).

Little Art House: $250 includes all materials for 60-75min of entertainment (structure below), planning/prepping for 8 kiddos and one instructor to set up/all cleanup related to the artmaking! Each additional child is $10 with an assistant being provided for parties of 10 or more kiddos.

This would be provided at the beginning of the party followed by the celebration, refreshments etc. :)
5-10 minutes Free Draw
30-45 minutes artmaking!
10-15 minutes playdough time

  • Headcount:4-15

  • Duration:60-75min

Locations (1)
  • The Getalong, 700A Fatherland St, Nashville, TN 37206
Add Ons
  • Playdough Party Favors ($3 ea) +$3
  • Personalized Art Apron, $12/ea **Must be requested at least 2 weeks prior to event +$12
  • Personalized Art Aprons, set of 4 **Must be requested at least 2 weeks prior to event +$45
  • Plain Art Aprons, set of 4 *Please request upon purchase of deposit +$30


Once your date/time is confirmed, we will send you a deposit link!  After your deposit is purchased, the date and time cannot be altered unless it's due to severe inclement weather.  If there is a cancellation due to inclement weather, we will do our best to accommodate another time/date.

The week of the party:Monday before the party: We'll reach out to provide options for the project based on the birthday person's interests/party theme :)  If there's already something in mind, please let me know and I'll add that to the notes on the reservation!

Tuesday before the party: A FINAL HEADCOUNT IS REQUIRED (include "maybe" RSVPs as the teacher will prep for this number of projects & it will determine if there's an assistant or not!).  If anyone doesn't show, we're happy to send the prepped materials home with you. *AFTER TUESDAY< THERE IS A LATE FEE of $10/ea on top of the original price points (i.e. $20/ea for 1-4yrs)

Interested in this party package?
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