Createry Workshop

Createry Workshop


ADULT: Evening with Angels: Trenny Simmsons



Join us for a night of a spiritual readings by Trenny Simmons and Sid Patrick! We will begin the night with conversation, then Trenny and Sid will deliver spirit led messages from loved ones on the other side. Night includes gallery reading, and refreshments. No Alchohol please, as we want to keep a clear head for our angel messages. This is a gallery style reading, and all attending are not guarenteed to hear a message. 

Trenny, a natural born psychic medium has been featured on KBPI, KOSI, Lifetime, ABC, NBC, Fox 31 and Katie Couric for her psychic abilities. Her work as a medium connects clients with loved ones who have crossed over which provides peace of mind and answers to many deep-ceded and unresolved issues in her client’s lives. She is currently writing a book and developing  a reality show based on her abilities and experiences over the years.  She offers worldwide private and group events as well as tours in  Colorado’s most historically haunted areas. Trenny travels all over the US to see clients and spends the majority of her time between Colorado and Louisiana.

Sid Patrick was raised in the suburbs of New Orleans in an  area called Bucktown. He has been reading tarot since 1974. The loss of  his mother in 1988 began a search within his spirit to understand the  connection between life and death. Sid has been Studied locally with Louise Decker and Tom Clark. Sid studied in  England with Glyn Edwards, Scott Milligan and Christine Morgan and in the USA with Mavis Pattilla, John Holland, Janet Nohavec, John Edwards and Victor Vogenitz. Earlier accomplishments include Out of Body show with Angela Hill, Murder case with NOPD and is owner at MRC Treasures LLC He also is Co Author of “Séance Experiments” and currently working on other art projects at this time and host of YouTube Channel “Metaphysical Moments”


Little Red Hen BELMAR
7349 W Alaska Dr
Lakewood, CO 80226

• Free Parking in the Dicks Sporting Goods parking garage

ADULT: Evening with Angels: Trenny Simmsons


Booking Options

6:00pm - 9:00pm MST

Tuesday, February 27

• 2/27, 3/21, 4/25