Plant Factory

Plant Factory


After school session -Wednesday. Age 5-8

Ages 5 - 8 yrs


After school session for 5-8 year olds with pickup

Please email us ( if you need pickup from schools outside of PS321, PS10 to check availability


By participating in classes and other events with Plant Factory, you agree that media captured by Plant Factory employees during events are the property and exclusive copyright of Plant Factory and can be used for publicity purposes. You also agree that no compensation will be given for the use of this media. If you would like to opt-out of pictures or video being taken, please let us know in advance of the class or event.


Plant Factory
447 6th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11215


After school session -Wednesday. Age 5-8

5 - 8 yrs

Booking Options

Wednesdays, 3:15pm - 5:30pm EST

Dec 5, 2018 - Dec 19, 2018

• 10% sibling discount available at checkout