Reimagine Play

Reimagine Play


On the MOVE Summer Fitness Classes for Kids

5 - 12 yrs


Join Reimagine Play for its On the MOVE kids fitness classes all summer long. Brought to you as part of the Boston Parks Summer Fitness Series, this fun, play-inspired fitness class is for kids ages 5-12 of all fitness levels. The program incorporates fun obstacles, agility drills, circuit stations and fitness games, to teach kids movement fundamentals and improve their strength, coordination and endurance. Classes are FREE. Pre-register to reserve your spot.


Our On the MOVE Program:
Teaches fundamental movement skills for optimal performance in sports and other physical activities  
Improves strength and endurance, while also helping kids develop perseverance, self-esteem and confidence
This is an active, outdoor fitness class that involves running, jumping and crawling. 
Please have kids wear cool, comfortable clothing and sneakers (no sandals or Crocs). 
Please bring water and any preferred snack. Sunscreen is recommended.


Thomas M. Menino Park
98 16th St
Boston, MA 02129

• This is an outdoor class. Please bring water and your child's preferred snack. Sunscreen is also recommended.
• Class meets in the grassy area by the play structures

On the MOVE Summer Fitness Classes for Kids

5 - 12 yrs

Booking Options