
Little Coders for Pre-K

Midwinter Vacation Days



In our coding and game design curriculum, students learn the basics of programming logic through hands-on activities and MIT’s introductory programming language called ScratchJr! Each thematic lesson, created and tested in the winter and spring of 2019, takes your child on an adventure in which their imagination comes to life through interactive stories and games. Our expert mentors and the software’s interface make programming a snap! Literally. By snapping together graphical blocks, students learn to design, edit and modify characters, add their own voices, sounds, and movement, all while solving problems and developing foundational math and literacy skills.

ScratchJr. was developed by Dr. Mitchel Resnick and associates of the MIT Media Lab. Dr. Resnick is one of Robofun’s Board members and trusted advisors.

Our STEM Education Difference:
Our core educational philosophy centers around an intimate interaction with our students. Because we know that each child learns differently and at their own pace, our 'mentors' assess and monitor your child's skill level; each class they take is matched with their skill and interests. Our curriculum and mentors focus on mastering current skills then challenge each student to get to a higher level.

Regardless of which class they take, or how many times they have taken it, our students do not repeat previous projects - they are always challenged and when they are ready they work on a new and interesting assignment.


1. Health assessment survey: to ensure the safety of the other students, this must be filled each morning before attending Robofun.

2 Safety protocols. Here is a link to view all of Robofun's safety protocols. Please ensure you read this carefully so you come prepared.


2672 Broadway
Loft A
New York, NY 10025


Little Coders for Pre-K

Midwinter Vacation Days


Booking Options

11:00am - 12:30pm EST

Feb 18, 2019 - Feb 22, 2019

Limited Space

• 2/18, 2/19, 2/20, 2/21, 2/22