
Minecraft & Circuits for 3rd-6th Grade

Eid al-Fitr Day

8 - 12 yrs


Students will use the beloved and popular Minecraft platform as a gateway to learning about the properties of electricity. In Minecraft, they will design machines that use pistons, levers, buttons, traps, and combination locks. They do this by using the game’s version of circuitry (called “Redstone”) to power buildings with floors, walls, and doors that open and close. Afterward, they move on to wiring electrical projects such as an alarm box that goes off when opened to an LED magical wand. Students learn principles of circuitry and simple machinery while having fun. Our STEM Education Difference: Our core educational philosophy centers around an intimate interaction with our students. Because we know that each child learns differently and at their own pace, our 'mentors' assess and monitor your child's skill level; each class they take is matched with their skill and interests. Our curriculum and mentors focus on mastering current skills then challenge each student to get to a higher level. Regardless of which class they take, or how many times they have taken it, our students do not repeat previous projects - they are always challenged and when they are ready they work on a new and interesting assignment.


2672 Broadway
Loft A
New York, NY 10025


Minecraft & Circuits for 3rd-6th Grade

Eid al-Fitr Day

8 - 12 yrs

Booking Options

1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

Jun 4, 2019