Scribble Art Workshop

Scribble Art Workshop


HVA West ARTernoons (GR.3-5)

Ages 3rd - 5th grade


PRINTMAKING (Fall): This class will give artists experiences with both traditional and non-traditional printmaking methods including block printing with found objects, linoleum printing, mono-printing and more. We’ll print on many different surfaces including wood and various types of paper and then explore layering over our prints with painting, drawing and collage.

SCULPTURE (Fall): Sculpture is one of the foundational classes at Scribble mainly because it directly teaches to our mission: art making is about problem solving and responding to the materials in front of you in the moment. In this class, artists will explore all types of building with a variety of materials and methods, all to teach (through experience) the most basic elements of sculpture: structural stability and aesthetic detail/interest.

TOY DESIGN (Winter): This class is a play on sculpture, drawing and painting. We’ll be making both 2-dimensional (board games, puzzles) and 3-dimensional (pull toys, bobble heads, and more!) toys focusing on making toys that “work” and are of course, beautifully creative and colorful.

LIFE DRAWING (Winter): This class will focus on drawing from both observation and imagination. Self-portraits, maps, object drawings, landscapes, we’ll DRAW upon many subject matters using a wide variety of drawing tools and surfaces. We’ll layer most of our drawings with painting and/or collage materials.

MIXED MEDIA STORYTELLING (Spring): How can we tell a story with artwork as the storyteller? There are SO many answers to this question and this class just scratches the surface of those possibilities. We’ll explore illustration including traditional and unconventional methods of expressing a plot using various types of paint, drawing tools and collage methods to make different books.

UP-CYCLE ART (Spring): A huge part of being an artist is transforming everyday materials with creativity and hard work! This class will be all about taking materials that could be perceived as garbage and using them to create beautiful pieces of artwork. This is recycling as an art form...making jewelry, sculptures, drawings and paintings out of everyday recyclable objects!


Healthy snack provided


HVA West Elementary
74 W 124th St
New York, NY 10027


HVA West ARTernoons (GR.3-5)

3rd - 5th grade

Booking Options

Wednesdays, 1:00pm - 4:30pm EDT

Aug 29, 2018 - Jun 5, 2019

• Payment plans available at checkout

• (closed: 11/21, 12/26, 1/2, 2/20, 4/10)