Unity Jiu-Jitsu

Unity Jiu-Jitsu


Competition Jiu Jitsu for Kids

5 - 12 yrs


Learn and practice everything you need to know in order to start competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! We have a team of experienced competitors ready to work with you to get you ready! This is where you will develop your A, B & C Games, make sure your Jiu Jitsu is well-rounded, and get the invaluable training that will prepare you for the tournaments!


Please send your kids in with their own water, or money to purchase water for themselves! Snacks are also a good idea.


Unity Jiu Jitsu New Jersey/Sync Fitness
248 Union Blvd
Bottom Level
Totowa, NJ 07512

• We have water for sale, so please send your child in with their own water, or money to purchase water with.
• Please enter around the back of the building.

Competition Jiu Jitsu for Kids

5 - 12 yrs

Booking Options

12:30pm - 1:30pm EST

Sunday, February 25

• (closed: 12/24, 12/31)